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No matter where we’re
from, or what language we
speak, we’re all wives,
mothers and women

No matter where we’re from, or what language we speak, we’re all wives, mothers and women together.

wife • mother • woman

We’re not just a brand. We are deeper than that. We are a philosophy aimed at empowering all women in a way that will equip them with effective strategies to conquer motherhood, womenhood and relationships. We believe that having a growth mindset, living with genuine confidence and humble boldness, understanding each other’s personalities and considering them when dealing with our daily challenges is key in living a happy and content life. Isn’t life about making unique human connections with the world we live in and striving to be fully present and valuing our vast and magnificent surroundings as if we are seeing them for the very first time?

“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.”

– Peggy O’Mara


We Offer

Life Coaching Manuals

We hope to encourage others to a point of breakthrough. We have learnt that onnecting with each other can so easily be forgotten in the whirlwind of life. It is not always easy but a team is always better together. Parenting our children TOGETHER is so valuable when guiding our tribe. We are very passionate about preventing communication barriers in all of their different forms.


We want every woman and child to enjoy and explore their world in comfort, from the mountains to the oceans and everywhere in between. Our collection of garments and products have been tried and tested on our own tribe of women and little ones with materials and prints that make us and our children feel confident, unique and comfortable.

Audiology & Speech Therapy

We have a team of qualified Audiologists and Speech Therapists. If you or someone you know struggle to hear or have any questions regarding hearing aids or speech and communication development, do not hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. You will then get connected to our team of professionals who can help you.

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Fashion for your bump & tribe made easy


Our Collections

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other”
– Audrey Hepburn